Hessle is an important sanctuary for wildlife including at least 30% of the species of bird, and several mammals, appearing on the list of Species of Principal Importance in England published by the Government (2006). The birds include Lapwings, Linnets, Grey Partridge, Tree Sparrows and Yellow Wagtails. In addition, there are several habitats with healthy populations of Great Crested Newts
The earliest recorded date for the parish is 1066, referred to as Hessle, derived from hæesle meaning hazel tree, under the administrative unit of Odgodcross and attributed to a Lord Alward in 1066 and then to Lord Mauger of Elington 20 years later.
In the 1870s, Hessle, previously known as Hasel, was described as
"a township in Wragby parish...4 miles E of Wakefield"
Hessle and Hill Top is a small parish largely consisting of green space and countryside, with the woodland and agricultural farm land making up roughly 95% of the total land use, however only 6.1% of the parish use these spaces.
Within the parish there are 66 dwellings. Five of them, dating between 1641 and 1810 are Grade II listed.The majority of households in the parish are three-bedroom detached or semi-detached properties.
Due to the parish's small size there are almost no local shops within the parish, however there are many other neighbouring settlements which do provide such services, the closest being Ackworth. There are two scenic walks that go through Hessle and Hill Top and the neighbouring parish of Ackworth, visiting most of both parishes' landmarks and places of interest.
Hessle Old Hall, Hessle Common Lane
Hessle Old Hall, a grade II listed farmhouse, now a house, has been restored and altered. The date on the lintel over the door reads 1641. Constructed of coursed squared sandstone with quoins, and a stone slate roof.